An Analysis of the Multivariate-repeated-measures-experiment Evaluating the Influence of Gibberellic Acid on Cherry Fruit Quality

Damijana Kastelec and Valentina Usenik


A repeated-measures experiment design including two between-unit factors and one within-unit factor was performed in order to examine the influence of gibberellic acid on cherry fruit quality. One of the two between-unit factors had two levels represented by two cherry cultivars ('Van', 'Sunburst') and the other consisted of two treatments: spraying with gibberellic acid and spraying with pure water as a control. An experimental unit was a cherry branch on which 20 cherries were sampled randomly and marked. The three variables which describe ripeness of cherries were measured over 6 time points at three or four day intervals during maturation. After picking the cherries, measurements of fruit firmness were made on 3 different sides of each marked cherry. The univariate and multivariate repeated measures ANOVA was used for the analysis of two sets of data.